Friday, October 21, 2011

Copycats will never compare.

Sometimes I wonder what percentage of the world population actually fantasizes about going over the edge and killing a bunch of people. I'm talking daily thoughts of murdering no matter what your mood is, not just when you are angry and not thinking rationally. I wonder even more what percentage of the population is truly capable of doing it. Even MORE importantly, I wonder how many people could actually make an impact and remain burned in people's memories, like Eric and Dylan have. Murder is such an incredibly common thing, and it is damn near impossible to leave your mark. Racking up the death toll is certainly an effective way to garner attention, but Eric and Dylan didn't have to rely on that. They were simply geniuses, meticulously planning out every little detail and aspect of NBK. Though their exacts reasons for doing what they did will never be known, FAME was clearly something that they eagerly anticipated. Fame would be my main reason for killing, if I chose to snap.

I feel like my life sucks anyways, and I'm too lazy to change it. I still don't have a clue what I want to do with myself at 25 years old. I hate my awkward personality, and constantly being asked why I'm so quiet. I've been tired of people's shit ever since grade school. I have to constantly deal with people questioning my behavior and who I am as a person, when they should just mind their own fucking business. I never visit my relatives because honestly, I'm not interested. But I know that if I'm ever desperate and need them in the future, they will not be there. As for relationships? With my social anxiety, I strongly dislike meeting new people. I only feel comfortable with one-on-one conversations, so meeting and growing close to a boyfriend's family and friends is out of the question. I have dug my own grave when it comes to many things. I guess my point is, I think about my life in general, and I feel that my whole existence will always be a bland waste of time. I might remain aimless for my entire life, only to die a lonely old woman who has accomplished nothing. I'll have my one paragraph article in the obituaries and that will be it. Might as well go out with a bang and be remembered in a huge way.

So I guess that's why I daydream sometimes about doing what Eric and Dylan did, somehow causing the same impact on society. Trust me though, I'd never go through with it. And the main reason is that I could never pull off what they did. Eric especially truly drew people in. He seemed so fucking awesome and amazing. :-/  But as for all those depressed, angst-ridden teens out there who look up the Eric and Dylan and want to seriously carry out copy-cat massacres...they would be complete fools for even attempting it. They would probably wuss out after shooting half a dozen students, would end up in prison or death row, and would captivate the nation for maybe a week or so? Then the media would move on to the major story. While Columbine is firmly placed in a category of it's own, wanna-bees would get lost in the endless list of mediocrity. These copycats may gain infamy on the net, but only as jokes. Columbine set the bar way too high, and fools such as lame Cho Seung-Hui need to realize that...sorry that this post was about me pretty much. I will try and focus more on Reb and VoDka in the next one.


  1. Now, I do and don't agree with this post. Copy cats, yes are never going to be as famous as Eric and Dylan have become, but they have the right to die doing what they think is worth dying for. Those of them who fire two shots and go to prison, now those people are the pathetic ones. You see the people who aren't famous are the ones who have such clear reasons for the shootings. They are picked on, or they snap after they are dumped. Or like Cho Seung-Hui, they were psychotic. But psychosis is so much less interesting than psychopathy. You know why Cho did it, because the voices told him to. But Eric Harris? Now that's a mystery!

    I too often day dream about school shootings. In fact that's one reason I dropped out of school. I cant concentrate when all I'm thinking about is murdering the people around me. Maybe I am only 15, but I understand the motives behind Columbine. I agree with Eric's rants, and all that he stood for. Could I pull off a school shooting? One as great as columbine? No. But could I pull off a school shooting who's story would be remembered?? Yes. Do I deserve to die doing something I believe in? Of course I do. And would I wuss out? HAHAHAHAAHAHAH not a chance. To die the same way as Eric Harris would be my dream come true.

    But I would never pull off a school shooting. Why? Because a minor cannot get guns in Canada, and an adult probably can't get guns when they have been arrested under the mental health act... Besides, If I was to do a school shooting, it would take a while to plan, and I don't plan to be alive that long.

    Annnyyywhoooooo..... Famous... God, I dream to be famous one day... Actually, I dream to be infamous. I dream to be remembered, just as Reb and VodDKa are remembered. And also, if Im going to die anyways, why not?

  2. You know, I think I focus a little too much on the idea of fame. Only because that's what would be my own personal motivation. Like the idea of murdering, and then either having to kill myself or ruining my life because of it, it doesn't seem worth doing unless I feel very confident that society will know and remember. For me it would be like a contest pretty much, to see how impressive I can be.

    But Eric and Dylan might not have been as motivated by fame as I think. And a lot of kids out there who are tormented by bullies or depressed wouldn't give a shit what others will think and what kind of impact they will have. Just the thrill of having your revenge, then killing yourself to end your shitty life, that might be more than enough for some kids. But it's the ones who think they can become "gods" and gain followers who are most likely ridiculous.

    And I'm so glad high school is over. I hardly even got fucked with but I couldn't stand being around so many assholes 5 days a week. College is so awesome compared to h.s. because you feel anonymous in a way. It's much more bearable lol.

  3. I think the fact they planned it for so long helps with their notoriety. The fact they also killed the most people at a school (Virginia Tech is a college not a school) ever, helps with their notoriety. I think Eric and Dylan, especially Eric, believed in what they wanted to do. He had a passion for it. He said it himself, "This is what I want to do with my life." That's what makes it so shocking. So mind boggling. So intriguing. Other school shooters normally shoot people in a sporadic act of rage, or just acting on impulsive thoughts/behavior, that's why their kill count is so low. But ERIC was different because he wanted it and planned it out. Fantasizing about killing people is normal, sort of, but it definitely doesn't put you on the same playing field as Eric. The difference of course, while you fantasize about it and make excuses to yourself for why you cant do what you want to do, Eric didn't it. He did it. In the end most people just end up killing themselves and NEWS FLASH nobody will give a damn and LIFE WILL GO ON.

  4. No, I totally agree, Eric was in it for fame, as well as his hate for other people. H talked about his 'audience' and how he wanted the images of that day to be burned into their memories for the rest of their lives. And I guess it might be the same for me of I was to do a school shooting.

    Kids who were picked on, and just want things to end couldn't care less about the impact of after they take their own lives. But the other ones, the ones who do it to make an impact, I don't know if I complete agree with what you said. Most of them who kill as Eric and Dylan did, are fans of Reb and VoDKa. If they think they can become as famous as the,, they are deluding themselves. But I can't blame them, as I guess I could fit into the same catatgory. Although I have never done a school shooting, obviously, my motives are pretty much exactly as Eric's were.

    Yes, Eric was different, anonymous. While some people like myself I guess, sit and dream about murder, drooling over the blood we could spill if we had the chance, Eric actually did something about it. And he planned it for so long, making a 'snap' out of the picture. There was no event that made Eric angry at a specific moment, that lead to the shooting. I guess if you look at it one way, the January incident was a contributing factor, as Eric was great at holding grudges. But did he 'snap'? No. And this is something that makes things for the average person incapable of comprehending his motives. He was cunning, conniving and he planned his massacre well. (except for the bombs) .

    And true, Regular suicides are easily forgotten. One boy a few doors down from my house killed himself and everyone talked about it for three weeks and seemed to forget about it right away. But columbine is still imfamous, because it was a murder-suicide not just a suicide. Suicides are easy to understand, when murders are not quite so easy. Especially when dealing with a psychopath like Eric Harris. Which is why when you talk about the columbine killers, people know Eric's name but usually don't remember Dylan. Because Dylan was not very interesting. He loved, he cared, he just wanted to be normal. Eric on the other hand, just wanted to inflict as much pain on others as he possibly could.

  5. Sometimes it surprises me that Eric and Dylan held out as long as they did. The tempers they both had, all the countless things that pissed them off on a daily basis, riling each other up. They were definitely determined to do everything right because I bet all that anger building up was insane. For most kids in their situation it would be so tempting to just snap and spontaneously do what they were dying to do, like if they had a particularly bad day at school. Especially once they have the guns, imagine letting loose at a football game shooting the cheerleader bitches, lol.

  6. Haha I totally understand. I know what it's like to have a set date, but want to do something right away. And especially when there's nothing stopping you but a specific date? That must have been torture for them. This just proves how much they really thought about the whole thing. They needed it to be on a specific date, and that's what they did. There was no snapping. Only waiting, and fantasizing about the event. What made the thing sweeter for them was the waiting. They waited for longer than a year, dreaming about what it would be like. Until the dream wasn't enough and they had to pull it off. If they hadn't had a set date, I'm guessing it would have been a lot sooner than it had been.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. If I ever killed anyone, it would be the Westboro Baptist Church people. I even had a set date, February 26, 2012. I chose that date because it fell on a Sunday, which is a church day (first Sunday of Lent), and it was the *19th anniversary of the WTC bombing. I was born on the *19th of April, 5 years before the Oklahoma City bombing. April 19th was the original date for Columbine. Dylan was born 20 years before the WTC was destroyed. Eric was born on April 9, 11 days before he went on the rampage. Pretty crazy, right?

  9. That's craaazy cause I actually did a huge term paper on them last semester. I researched their web site, and all the "sister" sites. It's unbelievable how hateful they are towards EVERYONE. They are so extreme that it becomes numbing after a while, like the shock wears off because they become so predictably mean. They'd probably hope for a newborn baby to burn in hell too...I really wouldn't blame you if you killed them, I'm surprised nobody has yet lol.

  10. WARNING: This comment is going to be long.

    Although my chosen date has passed, I still think about doing it. I'm not sure if I will, though. I have 3 factors that would make it significant:

    1) It's a lot of people to kill (roughly 40)
    2) They're well-known
    3) Almost everyone hates them so if I killed them, I'd be viewed as a hero by some (kind of like E&D)

    Sometimes I think about doing it with an accomplice (maybe you? haha) like Columbine. So it would KIND OF be copying them, but in my eyes, WBC is not innocent like the students that E&D killed. Sure a few of them might have been bullies, but they didn't deserve to DIE. They didn't go around causing pain to grieving families of soldiers, homosexuals, and celebrities, you know?

    At first, I thought Columbine was the first school shooting that was caused by bullied students (or just the school's students, period). But just recently, I have discovered that there have been several before Columbine, such as Frontier, Bethel Regional, Heath, etc (Eric even mentioned a couple of them in the Basement Tapes), one or two were even inspired by NBK and DOOM, but they only killed a few people (in the 2 to 5 range) and they didn't commit suicide. Although, Bath School and University of Texas had more victims, they weren't caused by bullying. Also, I think that E&D were more mysterious and complex, their story is more interesting and unique than their precursors. I'm actually kind of surprised that E&D didn't kill their parents because a few previous shooters did that. Maybe it's because E&D were given enough love from them.

    Also, I agree with you about Seung-Hui Cho being lame and dull. He's just a rehash of Columbine. He mentions "martyrs like Eric and Dylan" in a video, so it's like he's admitting to copying them. Sure he killed over twice as many people as E&D, but he wasn't the first to cause national shock. That's one of the reasons why I'm so fascinated with Columbine (mostly Eric). What's weird is that I was looking up Columbine back in April 2007 (I wasn't fixated by it, I was just researching a little) and it was RIGHT BEFORE Virginia Tech happened. Also, during my current obsession with Columbine, a student who goes there brought a hammer to school and injured a couple of her peers. It's so weird.

    I don't know if you watch South Park or not, but I've also noticed similarities between that show and Columbine.

    1) They're both in Colorado, near Denver
    2) They involve a Jewish boy (Dylan and Kyle) and a troubled anti-Semitic boy named Eric (Harris and Cartman. Eric Harris could also be compared to Stan since he was best friends with a Jewish boy)
    3) One of the boys had a dog named Sparky (Stan and Eric Harris)
    4) On the day of the massacre, a Columbine student was arrested and he was wearing a South Park shirt

    Also, I think that Eric Harris was somewhat psychic because a year before the massacre, he wrote about hijacking a plane and crashing it into a building in NYC. And it happened a few years later and it was on Dylan's 20th birthday (if he were still alive). I must be REALLY bored to notice these synchronicities. It's almost as if it's all a conspiracy.

    Sorry if I bored you, but those are just my opinions and observations for today.

    1. Just a are probably already aware so forgive me, South Park was created by two guys who grew up in Littleton, CO. There would be apparent similarties but the show was created 2 years before the massacre. I think the show just emphasizes the truth of what life was really like in this supposed perfect little town.

  11. Yeah, you've pretty much picked the perfect targets. Reaching Columbine's level of shock would be extremely difficult, but the fact that it would be Westboro Baptist Church would make it so easy to achieve permanent infamy. You'd actually be applauded by tons of people.

    I'm not sure if you would put a lot of thought into leaving behind videos, diaries, web sites, etc. like Eric and Dylan. But it almost seems like it wouldn't matter if you did. People would automatically think that you're awesome, lol. Even if boring ass Cho killed WBC members instead of Virginia Tech students, he probably would have made a much bigger impression on people.

    I've never actually seen a full episode of South Park. I know someone said the creator is from the Denver area. When I first saw the pic of Chris Morris getting arrested, with the South Park shirt, I was surprised that South Park had been airing for so long lol.

  12. PS your comment was very interesting, not too long :-D

  13. This is disturbing and sickening. Please get the help that you need.

  14. Trey and Matt were the Columbine shooters, They never died and it was a government drill. They played the role of the two shooters in exchange for creative freedom for SouthPark. This is why Southpark is never censored and never will be.

  15. I've read through the posts on this blog. I'm not going to say I disagree with your interest in Eric, as he is interesting. I myself like to research about shootings, this one, Holmes, VA Tech, etc. However, I don't understand how one can go from interest to having positive feelings for someone who did such a thing. Yes, the two are infamous and will be remembered for forever. But they killed daughters, sons, sisters and brothers. I'm not sure if you have siblings, but you have parents. You have friends. In one of your posts you said you felt bad for Eric and Dylan for dying, even more so than the victims. I understand they had hatred in their hearts, and were bullied. But they murdered kids, who had no self defense. You talk about copy cats. And how no one will ever "top" Eric and Dylan. Well I honestly hope no one ever does "top" what they did. But I can guarantee I'm saying that because I don't want more crazies killing innocent people. You talk about killing, and almost glorify it. Well what about last Friday at Sandy Hook? Dude killed KIDS 7-10 years old. How can some people have no hearts, and want to shoot fucking little kids. And you say Eric and Dylan will forever be remembered, as they will be; but for all the WRONG reasons. And in a way, each killer does want to "top" the next, because they see how the media responds to it. They want their name to live forever in infamy. You talk about the VA shooter and almost ignore the fact that he murdered people. Saying that he's "bland" and "boring" compared to Eric. The MAIN point is he murdered INNOCENT people! I hope that disgusting people, like Lanza rot in hell. I'm sorry if I have offended you in anyway. That was not my intention. I too, was just ranting. Most off all, I was seriously just curious as to how someone can "love" someone who did such a horrid thing. Imagine if you have kids one day, and they were killed in a shooting rampage. I can almost promise you, you're feelings would instantly change. I find it sad that you feel no sorrow for the victims.

    1. With all due respect, Eric and Dylan were victims too. Victims of their own hands but still victims. Victims of their own hate and delusions but still vicitms. And they were someones children and siblings and to those parents and brothers their lives had value and worth. Eric and Dylan did bring joy to their lives at some point. Kathy and Sue cradled their sons on the day of their births. What Eric and Dylan did was wrong and horrible...certainly not to be emulated. (Could they come back from the dead I am confident now they would agree.) But please let us not forget Wayne, Kathy, Kevin, Tom, Sue, and Byron and the loss they have experienced. I have lost a child and it sucks but my heart healed over time. I could not, however, imagine losing a child that committed and act I could never understand. How does one heal from that? Mourning the loss of Eric and Dylan does not mean we do not mourn equally for their victims. Nor does mouring their lives take away from the loss of their victims lives. Any loss of life is tragic. Stating loss of one life has more value than loss of another is just a different way of trying to play God. I mean you no disrespect. I value everyone's thoughts. I only ask that my opinion be considered.

    2. It's not that they have no hearts.
      Many just have broken one's.

      No excuses whatsoever. But many people who do such things are product of environment and victims of themselves.

  16. Wow,you need help chic.all of you!you're obsessed with a dead guy who killed innocent all need to come out of the basement and let the sun hit're social pariahs cause u make no's what you make it so get off your pathetic asses and get a life instead of daydreaming about crazy cuckoo shit!25 years old and your sitting with your cat fantasizing about some dead white dude who was a nobody in life and a crazy nobody in death.your obsession is not healthy.get some help.ALL of YOU!!

    1. There are lessons to be learned even in the most awful tragedies. Seeing as Eric and Dylan were consumed by hate due to lack of intolerance of others perhaps we would be wise and prudent to practice understanding and compassion of those we may not fully understand.

    2. Mmmkay. There is a lot here that is not what I would consider to be true observational.

      Don't get me wrong. Some people are beyond help. Some people are completely unable to feel anything at all for anyone else.
      But most of these people you are speaking of are nothing like that. How do I know, you ask? Because I spent much of my life as one of them. I'm not joking. I'm not lying. I'm not trying to show off or insult you in any way whatsoever.
      My only purpose here is to hope that you, or someone else reading this now or ever, will understand a few things about....understanding.
      I have been on both sides.
      When very, very, very young I was a hurt kid but I remember the anger I felt towards Eric and Dylan. The pain they caused was inescapable. Didn't matter that I was so young my age consisted of but one digit. I was hit by it.

      Then, things changed. I changed.
      My pain and teenage angst got the best of me and I could have easily been considered a SOCIOPATH or PSYCHOPATH. Or now ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER. Like me, the names changed with time.
      I was blacklisted from my school. I was institutionalized. I was unable to even go back to school for years after dropping out because of the thoughts people had of me. Things I brought onto myself. But I went back and worked my ass off.
      I proved myself to be a person who would do anything for anyone -- even those I hate.
      Now there isn't a person alive who would believe my story after meeting me.
      My guilt from a situation I didn't even go threw with has turned me into a person who would rather die than hurt anyone else.

      The things you've said have done nothing but hurt more people. Comments such as these fixate on the misunderstandings many people have -- they tell people they are less of a person for them. When someone is told something over and over they believe it more than their own opinions sometimes. The feeling of "well, I might as fucking well..." come into focus.
      If you feel this way, stop egging it on. These comments cause nothing but problems and seem as if you seriously don't give a fuck about anyone who could possibly go into an experience such as this with fascination of the misunderstood.
      You do nothing but prove that people wont understand and will ONLY degrade. Please follow your own advise. Don't be a cause.

  17. What a stupid comment. If you can actually READ you'd see that I rarely ever POST. Yet you're rambling about me sitting in a dank basement with my cat? ummm ok retard, I think this web site would have a little more going on if that were the case. I suggest you roam youtube for a bit, find comments with some actual sting, and take note.

  18. *****Long ----Please forgive.*******

    So, I don't want to get into a pissing war with anyone. But if it's okay I'd like to share my thooughts. First of all both Eric and Dylan intrigue me but Eric more so than Dylan. Dylan actually terriefies me a little in the fact that his writings were more poetic and rambling. His journal is like reading the journal of a suicidal man on an acid trip...very cool but very scary. He seemed less predictable and that is kind of terrifying.

    (see below)

  19. Eric, however, was methodcial and in many ways logical. Now, I won't attempt to argue that Dylan was suicidal and Eric was homicidal, manipulative, and a psychopath. I am not a criminologist or psychologist so I cannot attempt to argue these diagnoses. I would however like to comment on the fact that what intrigues me about Eric is that I don't see him as a rage filled angry monster at all. (Sure, in the end he was....or rather allow me to clarify his deeds were monstrous.) But, I see him as a boy about to become a man who had a very profound and at times correct view of humanity and the world around him. But, in many places he reveals what I have come to feel are more of his true feelings of mercy and compassion. Examples: In his jouranl he refers to human life as a gift....yes a gift. He struggled to undersatnd how humans could be so self-destructive and yet so naive about their own lack of self-awareness and destructive ways. "Give the planet back to the animals" he said "They deserve it infinetly more." He mentioned Ghandi saying that people have tried to come at this peacefully but that human nature is so flawed that peaceful attempts have been futile. He could not bring himself to see any other way than violence and anger since peaceful attempts had not worked in the past. Another example, Eric stated in one of his online web FAQs about himself that he thought the most important personality trait in a person was compasssion. COMPASSION! Example: Eric loved animals, he even took time off work to care for his dog who was having seizures and near death. Example, Eric hated racism. He said that in one of his "You Know What I Hate" rants...which were freaking hilarious by the way. Example: In his journal Eric actually said, "I can't let my feelings of sympathy and mercy.." get in the way. He said he had to force himself to see everyone as monsters from the game Doom. He struggled inside himself because he did care about people. He cared about his family and friends but would not allow himself to feel. But...what if he had?

    (see below)

  20. What's my point? I believe Eric had good in him and wanted the world to be good, and smart, and compassionate. I believe what Eric hated most was hate; which is to say that in many ways he hated himself. But he hated the way people treated each other poorly. In an online exchnge with a friend she tells him that a guy they knew treated her poorly at work. She asks Eric if they were friends and he responded "Sort of. We have never done anything together so no not really. And especially no now since I see how he treats people." He talks about this in his journals although not in depth. I think he could not reconcile in his mind a world filled with hate that he hated. It became easier to hate as others hated him and Dylan. Am I saying he was justified in what he did?....I do not mean to offend or be judgemental....but I don't think he was justified to play god. But, do I understand him??....heck yes. And what would Eric say now if he could come back from his Marley from A Christmas Carol? What lessons would he bestow in his now infinite wisdom? I think Eric would tell us to live, to love, to find compassion and not to follow in his footsteps. He would tell you and I that the pain he caused his family and friends....those he loved....was not worth the 16 minutes of "fun" he had that day. He would tell you that as he and Dylan awoke in their afterlives they were greeted by their 12 victims who held them in embraces of love and forgiveness. (Yes 12....Mr. Sanders had not died yet.)

    I am not preaching, I understand that many of you feel compelled to do the same thing...maybe even top them (Eric and Dylan). I won't tell you that you are fools or that you are wrong. You have to decide your fates for yourselves. But, I do beseech you this....please read Eric's journal, read his writings, and do it with an open heart and open mind. Eric did have compasssion, he did have love, he was a boy (almost man) who was trying to understand the world he lived in and who perhaps understood it too well that he could not reconcile his emotions to his logic.

    Wayne and Kathy Harris have never spoken publicly about their son, but I wish they would. I wish they would share with the world what he was like as a child, what was his favorite ice cream, what was the last thinkg he got for Christmas. Tell us who ERIC was. Because, we only know Eric the killer...but he was a man....a person....a soul....(And look, I am not prticularly religious. I don't go to church and I detest preachy people so forgive me if I sound like one.). I am just saying, let's try and understand Eric and Dylan for the men they were....not the monsters people want to turn them in to. And for anyone who wishes to come on here and bash them or the others who choose to voice their thoughts on here I say this: First, let's not bully each other and second....Eric and Dylan suffered enough in life...please do not bully them in their deaths too.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I am thinking of each of you and of Eric, Wayne, Kathy, Kevin, Dylan, Sue, Tom, and Byron.

    RIP Eric and Dylan

    1. Okay, this is purely interest. I'm not fully understanding your points and some of the ones I do understand, are not how I have come to know as the truth -- or as close as we can get anyways.

      Like you I believe Eric was not what he tried to make himself appear to be. Unlike you -- towards the end I have to say it is very naïve to say he "hated hate". It appears towards the end, hate was the only thing he loved. BUT I believe this is because he was sorely disappointed in life.
      Truthfully, I believe you yourself are a hurt person who has, like me, come close to being an Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold. Don't be offended by that but I myself got way too close for comfort in a similar situation. I want to believe that they were like me: feeling abandoned in this world of pain and taking comfort in discomfort.
      Don't let it fool what you KNOW though.
      I'm not sure what Eric would say now, but at the end of his life it is painfully clear the message he sent -- kill. Or be weak.
      That's it.

      The Harris family had to have been hit hard with this. Obviously Dylan's family was as well, but Eric was the one played as a monster. Eric was seen as the psychopathic leader dragging poor little Dylan Klebold along for the ride.
      While not true, that was the truth of the media frenzy at the time. I have no doubt this is why they steer clear.

      -- Lynn

  21. The majority of you are sickvand really need some help.. I understand that the lot of you probably agree with what these people thought inwardly but the main fact is there stating you in the face that Eric Harris was put on medication he shouldn't have been on to treat an illness that he did not th because he was diagnosed wrong. Dylan was a follower. You would honestly take lives? For what? Because of highschool? The general population? Weak minded individuals. there is sooooooo much more to life than that tiny part. you want fame? Why don't you put your mind to work and do something worth devoting your energy into instead of the woe is me, life sucks, negative petty bullshit. the true path to enlightenment is a difficult road but what more at the end is more rewarding. so why don't you guys go get some COGNITIVE therapy so you can understand what life is really about.. you don't want to follow the herd but youre just sheep following an alternative crowd. get real.

    1. While I don't agree with all you've stated, I am impressed with the amount of respect you show.
      Much of what you have said I agree with -- to an extent.
      Unfortunately, like much of life, it isn't so simple.

      Anger is very strong.
      I was so close to being like these two it isn't even funny. It makes my stomach turn sometimes when I think of it. And I feel I must make up for the mistakes I almost made.
      But as kids, people don't look as far ahead. It's always the end of the world, because its the first one they know. The first time they have opinions. The first time they try things.
      It seems never changing.

  22. You don't understand so shut your mouth and get out.

  23. Just an update on myself, I no longer think about killing anyone (especially WBC). I was just going through a phase. I've moved onto thinking about my education and future. I'm currently looking for a job and if/when I get one, I'll be SO happy.


  25. The problem is that we have transcended the era where school shootings happen every other day. Back in the day when columbine happened, it was shocking because it was a relatively peaceful town where barely anything happened. When it did happened it burnt into peoples brains because of not only their anger and how they dressed and what they used but that it was pretty quiet and peaceful in that town.
    Anyway, the way to go out famous would be to kill as many people as possible with a flashy gun ;)
    Could i do it? Yes
    I know several schools/highschools in the area.
    Would i wuss out? No. I have misanthropy. Id like to commit genocide if i had the chance.
    Would i actually do it? No.
    Im not going to spend the rest of my life in a isolation chamber because of someone else. The only way out is to turn the barrel towards your own head and pull the trigger. But why would I want to do that when I can go on fantasizing over doing such things >:)
    Besides, doing this shit is going out of style as well as bombings.
    But I absolutely adore your blog and I admire both Eric and Dylan.

  26. fucking sick fucks

  27. women idolize him like a god, men just find him to be a product of randomness that he actually did it rather than just think about it like millions of others(men).

    1. i definitely idolize eric hes such a god i wish i had a fucking time machine so i could go back in time and grand erics wish, he wanted to fuck a girl so bad before he did what he did i have no shame in being inlove and obsessed with eric god, ill fucking be his sex doll and let him rape my guts out, all day everyday i wish to be his slut.

  28. you women who talk about mass murder like its a fascinating pinnacle of life are really funny. The irony is that no women has ever pulled off something like columbine or vegas, and men don't fan over Eric Harris like a celebrity. Men just joke: Yawn, you got the high score! SEE you in the afterlife, Eric!
