Friday, October 28, 2011

Art by Rachel

These are awesome. 

Here are her links, check it out!:  

Friday, October 21, 2011

Eric looks so wicked and evil...and cute. :-\

Copycats will never compare.

Sometimes I wonder what percentage of the world population actually fantasizes about going over the edge and killing a bunch of people. I'm talking daily thoughts of murdering no matter what your mood is, not just when you are angry and not thinking rationally. I wonder even more what percentage of the population is truly capable of doing it. Even MORE importantly, I wonder how many people could actually make an impact and remain burned in people's memories, like Eric and Dylan have. Murder is such an incredibly common thing, and it is damn near impossible to leave your mark. Racking up the death toll is certainly an effective way to garner attention, but Eric and Dylan didn't have to rely on that. They were simply geniuses, meticulously planning out every little detail and aspect of NBK. Though their exacts reasons for doing what they did will never be known, FAME was clearly something that they eagerly anticipated. Fame would be my main reason for killing, if I chose to snap.

I feel like my life sucks anyways, and I'm too lazy to change it. I still don't have a clue what I want to do with myself at 25 years old. I hate my awkward personality, and constantly being asked why I'm so quiet. I've been tired of people's shit ever since grade school. I have to constantly deal with people questioning my behavior and who I am as a person, when they should just mind their own fucking business. I never visit my relatives because honestly, I'm not interested. But I know that if I'm ever desperate and need them in the future, they will not be there. As for relationships? With my social anxiety, I strongly dislike meeting new people. I only feel comfortable with one-on-one conversations, so meeting and growing close to a boyfriend's family and friends is out of the question. I have dug my own grave when it comes to many things. I guess my point is, I think about my life in general, and I feel that my whole existence will always be a bland waste of time. I might remain aimless for my entire life, only to die a lonely old woman who has accomplished nothing. I'll have my one paragraph article in the obituaries and that will be it. Might as well go out with a bang and be remembered in a huge way.

So I guess that's why I daydream sometimes about doing what Eric and Dylan did, somehow causing the same impact on society. Trust me though, I'd never go through with it. And the main reason is that I could never pull off what they did. Eric especially truly drew people in. He seemed so fucking awesome and amazing. :-/  But as for all those depressed, angst-ridden teens out there who look up the Eric and Dylan and want to seriously carry out copy-cat massacres...they would be complete fools for even attempting it. They would probably wuss out after shooting half a dozen students, would end up in prison or death row, and would captivate the nation for maybe a week or so? Then the media would move on to the major story. While Columbine is firmly placed in a category of it's own, wanna-bees would get lost in the endless list of mediocrity. These copycats may gain infamy on the net, but only as jokes. Columbine set the bar way too high, and fools such as lame Cho Seung-Hui need to realize that...sorry that this post was about me pretty much. I will try and focus more on Reb and VoDka in the next one.