Sunday, March 25, 2012


I'm thinking of Eric way more than usual today. Probably because I finally read an on-line sample of Brooks Brown's book. I keep telling myself to go get a gift card so I can order it, since I don't have credit cards. The fact that his own friend described him as weird and strange makes me really sad, because I consider MYSELF to be weird and strange. And that makes me hate it even more that I never met him and never can.

He's nothing like Mark Whalberg's character in Fear, AT ALL... but I get that same kind of lust for his character David. (lol) He has that dangerous side that I'm drawn to. Though that rarely turns out well. Mark was also hot in that movie, but not like Eric. His face was so cute, it doesn't even matter that I'm like 3 inches taller at 5'11 lol. But something tells me Eric wouldn't like the height difference, even though he once said legs were his favorite part of a girl.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


You know what really sucks about not believing in God?...In my mind, I will never meet Eric in the afterlife. I don't believe there's a heaven, hell, anything. Yet meeting Eric is something I want more than anything. He's the only thing that could possibly motivate me to have some faith for once.

That or someone will have to invent time traveling in my lifetime.