Saturday, January 7, 2012

Reminds me of Eric

This is random as hell, but I was watching some Roseanne episodes on youtube. And there's this one character, Crystal's son Lonnie, that's reminds me of Eric Harris. Sorta looks like him as a kid, and there's something about his mannerisms/demeanor.

 You can find him at 4:13 and 11:40. He's also at 15:20 but I don't get the Eric vibe as much...The part where's he's hitting the glasses and stuff with his utensils trying to piss people off, that reminds me of the cafeteria video where Eric spinning the phone around. Does anyone else see it? Could just be me lol.


  1. Yeah, I see it. I think the reason why the dinner scene reminds us of Eric is because he's looking down and has that I'm-ignoring-everyone attitude while he makes all that noise.

    The actor is Kristopher Kent Hill. He doesn't appear to have a Facebook, though. Speaking of that, do you have Facebook?

  2. Wow... I see that. Very neat find.

  3. he really does look like him

  4. Ahh! I totally see it. I feel like a creeper the way I read about him and stuff but he was just so gorgeous!!! Regardless of what he done, no denying he was hot.

  5. I'm glad other people see it...they definitely resemble eachother! And Eric would probably do the same shit at Thanksgiving dinner lol.

  6. I see it in the sense of being angry and I'm ignoring everyone attitude. But Eric was known to be very polite and respectful around adults so I have a hard time picturing him doing the same thing at the Thanksgiving dinner. I think he's similar to an Eddie Haskell though.

  7. Yeah he looks just like him! like on his senior photos. the eyes, shape of face and this bored mood. Thank you for posting this, I'm realy excited I have came across this one ;)

  8. The actor Michael Goorjan from Party of Five kinda looks like him too there is a picture of Eric that reminds me of Michael, here is the picture of Michael

    and here is Eris, I think Eric looks like Michael in this pic the most, what do ya'll think?

  9. *Michael Goorjian* I meant, his name I spelled wrong.

  10. "He's gorgeous". "That's what Eric would do" ( as if you knew him intimately). This is what makes me ashamed to be an American. Ignorance based on physical looks and delusions of "knowing" someone you never have or will. To each their own, but- I'm disgusted.

  11. There is this guy in his late 20s/early 30s who works in a liquor store by my house in Ocala, FL who, as soon as i saw him was like Wow, he looks just like Eric Harris. It was crazy, I tried to flirt with him and everything lol.
